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Take a Breath

When you take an English exam, you usually don’t want to waste time, and you start right away. My tip for today is the exact opposite. When you first get your exam paper, take a look at the topics and questions and then take a brief pause. 

Inhale deeply and take a long breath out. Repeat a few times. I also recommend you close your eyes while doing this to remove any visual distractions from the practice.

This will help you calm down your nerves and organise your thoughts so that you can attack the exam questions with everything you know and have.

Spending one minute on breathing and thinking your tasks through will help you overall, so don’t worry that you’re losing that one minute at the start.

Of course, if you have a speaking or listening exam, you can’t really take as much time, but you can still take a couple of breaths at the start to get you into the right mindset.

Breathing Through an Essay Question

First, set a timer to 1 minute, but don’t start it yet. Take a look at the following essay question. Start your 1 minute timer. Now, it’s time to do your breathing exercise while thinking about the question. Once the timer stops, write down the ideas and examples you came up with. Did you find it useful?

Essay question: Violence in the media promotes violence in our society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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