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Food and Cuisine

Today, it’s time to speak about a topic that comes up quite regularly in both formal and informal settings. Food and our favourite cuisines is popular for small talk and it’s good to know a few words and phrases you can use to help you in this situation.

The question you should try to answer today is: What is your favourite type of cuisine, and why do you enjoy it?

Speaking Practice

Start by brainstorming some vocabulary and phrases for about five minutes. You don’t want to write full sentences though, just a few notes. Make sure to speak specifically and in detail rather than in general terms. 

If you want to challenge yourself, you can look up a few words or phrases you are not familiar with yet. 

Once you’re ready, start recording your voice. You should speak for one minute or longer answering the question ‘what is your favourite type of cuisine, and why do you enjoy it’. Make sure to use all the words and phrases you noted down. 

When you’re done, finish the recording and listen to it. Note down one or two things you would like to work on. Then, save the recording to revisit it at a later date.

Older Practice Activities

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