It’s time to practise some writing. Today, I’d like you to focus on the structure of your piece. Try to use some phrases to signpost where you are in the narrative. I’d also recommend using prepositions of time and place to add some specific information and detail. Journal Entry Writing a journal in English can […]
Today, you’ll be practising a skill that can be very valuable, although most people don’t enjoy using it, making complaints. There are a few things to remember when making a complaint. Here are five tips to make your complaint more likely to succeed. 1- Start out positively, briefly describing your relationship with the company and […]
What are SMART goals? You may have heard this abbreviation before. It doesn’t mean that the goals are intelligent. Instead, the abbreviation defines a few things you should consider when setting a goal like that. Specific – Don’t be too general when writing your goals. Focus on smaller details rather than huge goals. Measurable – […]